Therapeutic Neuromodulator (BOTOX) Injections

Therapeutic Neuromodulator (BOTOX) Injections

Neuromodulators have been used to treat many conditions for over 30 years, proving to address debilitating symptoms and improve quality of life.  Among these conditions are the commonly experienced migraines & headaches, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and muscle tension (such as with jaw tension causing pain and teeth grinding).  At Serenity, we are certified and experienced in addressing these conditions with neuromodulators:


We all sweat – it helps our bodies cool when we are exercising or enjoying the heat of a sauna.  However, if you suffer from hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, you sweat even when your body’s at rest and normal temperature. The most common places this occurs is the under arms, palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Neuromodulator treatments target overactive sweat glands and significantly reduce sweating.  Treatments can be applied to the palms, feet, and underarms and keep excessive sweating at bay for up to 6-8 months.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with neuromodulators is often covered by extended health plans.  Please contact your insurance provider to receive details of how you can get coverage for this treatment.


If you suffer from chronic headaches, you’re not alone. Headache disorders affect approximately 40% of the population.  For some individuals, the symptoms of their headaches can be incredibly debilitating.  Migraines, affecting 1 out of 7 people, are difficult to treat as they can be triggered by various factors including stress, muscle tension, certain foods, hormonal changes, and environmental factors.   

When muscles in the neck and head tense, they can cause tension-type headaches and can lead to migraine.  These can occur daily or can be constant for many days in a row.  There are several over the counter treatment options for migraines and headaches. However,while these traditional treatments may be effective for some, many individuals continue to suffer from chronic migraines. In these cases, neuromodulator injections for migraines may be a promising treatment option.  While other headache remedies are only effective after you’ve already begun experiencing symptoms, neuromodulator injection is a preventative therapy.

Neuromodulators have been studied for use with migraine and headaches and there are three mechanisms of actions in which they may work: 

  1. Reduced muscle tension: Neuromodulators can help reduce muscle tension, which is often a trigger for migraine and headaches. By reducing muscle tension, the neuromodulator can help prevent the onset of migraines.
  2. Blockage of pain signals: The neuromodulator works by blocking the pain signals from nerves to muscles and the brain.  This helps to reduce the severity of migraine and headache pain.
  3. Increased blood flow: Neuromodulators has been found to increase blood flow to the brain, which can help prevent migraines from occurring in the first place.

If you suffer from frequent or chronic migraines or headaches that do not resolve with over the counter and prescription medication, you might be eligible for coverage through your extended benefits plan.  Please contact your insurance provider to receive details of how you can get coverage for this treatment.

TMJ/Jaw Clenching

Chronic clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth, a condition known as bruxism, can have a variety of problematic effects.  It can cause pain and tension in the jaw, chronic headaches or migraines, facial pain, earaches, and can damage your teeth and gums.  These ongoing symptoms of bruxism can make it a persistently painful condition.  The cause of bruxism can include stress and frustration, as well as misalignment of the mandibular joint. 

Treatments like mouth guards help to minimize the symptoms of the condition but this often does not address the root cause.  Most individuals who have jaw tension subconsciously “flex” their masseter muscles.  This muscle can become large and bulky, giving the appearance of a square jawline. When neuromodulators are injected into the masseter muscle, the muscle will become relaxed and will not contract as forcefully as it used to before and ease pain.  Neuromodulators will reduce the size of the masseter, which can be advantageous if a sliming of the jawline is an aesthetic goal. 

Although it likely will take multiple treatments, the habit of clenching and grinding teeth can often completely subside making the treatment with neuromodulators long lasting.

Most extended health plans do not cover this treatment, however, please check with your individual insurance plan to receive details on how you may get coverage.