What is Acupuncture
While Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to be effective in treating ailments ranging from pain to allergy symptoms to depression or anxiety, the mechanisms by which it works are still up to debate and is often described differently by various providers. From a Western medical perspective, acupuncture involves tiny needles (less than 1/10th the size of a sewing needle) to be inserted into the skin which promotes blood circulation to targeted areas. This in turn activates the body’s immune and nervous systems, reducing inflammation and releasing endorphins to alleviate pain, both in body and mind. Acupuncture is rooted in a history that spans more than 2,000 years, and Eastern-based practitioners would probably describe Acupuncture’s effectiveness differently. Ultimately, Acupuncture helps to correct imbalances in the body caused by external factors such as injury, toxins and stress. Once restored to proper balance, the body can better heal itself.

Acupuncture Tools
Acupuncture needling
Small hair-thin needles are inserted into specific points of the body along to activate the nervous system and promote blood flow.
Chinese Herbs
Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs may be prescribed to support the healing process.
Cupping Therapy
Through a suction technique, glass or plastic cups are placed on the body in specific areas to separate the muscles and fascia to promote blood flow and to release toxins in areas of distress.
The Chinese herb Ai Ye (mugwort) is burned over acupuncture points to bring warmth, stimulate their functionality and improve circulation.
This ancient healing art of fingers and strength can provide safe and effective treatment many conditions.
Gua Sha
A tool is used to scrape and stimulate specific areas of the body to improve circulation and break up scar tissue.
Essential oils are applied topically or infused to aid in the healing process.
Dietary & Lifestyle
Based on Chinese medicine theory, diet and lifestyle changes are suggested to aidin and strengthen the process of healing.
Infrared Therapy
Infrared lamps (heat therapy) are used in conjunction with treatment to increase circulation and support the healing process.
Electrical Stimulation Certain points might receive a small electrical stimulation to help reset your muscles and support neurological, pain and other conditions.